Saturday, August 29, 2009

have you seen me?

thaaats right kids some dickless piece of shit decided that they wanted my bike more than i did. went to the hatebreed show thursday night and came home to an empty driveway


Nick said...

Holy Shit! Fully insured?

Benji said...

That sucks! If you find the dude let me know we'll come up and beat the shit out of 'em...

FLOUNDER said...

yup i got insurance

Nick said...

Fuck beating the shit out of him. Tie them up and put em in a shed. The rest gets figured out the more you drink............the real question is are you gonna be able to go see Motorhead with us?

dustyshmo said...

well shit balls man , that fucking sux bad. ow and i 2nd find the prick then tie him up in the basement for weeks and weeks of stress relief
anyhow will keep an eye out on craigs list and egay though

Beaner said...

You should put another out for bait in the driveway. Nab the motherfuckers when they come back have them tell you where it's at and blow their internal organs out with a shotgun. You can get off scott free for them robbing you and go get your bike back.

FLOUNDER said...

yeah ill make it to motorhead weather i have another bike or have to drive.